CONTACT US TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE (716) 650-5008 Call or Text
As a place where patients come with all sorts of medical issues and illnesses, it is of the utmost importance for medical offices to maintain a clean, spotless, and safe environment. Keeping on top of sanitization and cleaning practices can be difficult when there’s a rush of people, so rely on our professionals here at Ai Cleaning Solutions to lend you a hand.
We use the leading products, techniques, and equipment to thoroughly clean every nook and cranny of your office. We can clean all of the heavily trafficked areas that your office has, including common areas, waiting rooms, break rooms, patient rooms, office areas, and more. Ensure that your staff and patients stay happy and healthy all year long with our superior cleaning services.
Are you ready to take the next step toward a healthier, cleaner space? Then it’s time to contact us at Ai Cleaning Solutions. We serve the greater Western New York area and offer free quotes for all of our services. Get in touch with us today!
Ai Cleaning Solutions
11 Cayuga Creek Rd Suite 300
Buffalo, NY 14227
Hours of Operation
Monday — Friday: 9am - 3pm (Appointments & Quotes)
Hours of Cleaning: 24 Hours Per Day
Looking for a job? Ai Cleaning Solutions is a family-operated business and
DOES NOT ACCEPT external employment inquiries, applications, or resumes.